This will all about high protien chicken diet which will helps you in remaining fit and will gradually helps you in reducing weight. It is a fantastic recipe for weight gain gym diet which is also a great recipe for protien intake and weight loss as it includes healthy fats rather than other insoluble fats that gets stored in your bosy and do not expelled out. It is being served with some five vegetables and of course, soft fluffy rice and all weight. Conversions. Ingredients, substitutes and nutrition values are listed in below. In addition to this we are going to proceed with step by step.

Step One
We are going to get the most out of two heads of broccoli. We are going to use a sharp tearing knife and just run it around the stem just to remove the florets into nice bite-sized pieces. You may have some pieces that are bigger than the others, so we are just gona trim them up, making sure that they are all the same size and this will just ensure that everything cooks at the same time and temperature.
Step Two
With the stem definitely do not throw us away. This is packed with sweet flavor and obviously lots of nutrition. We can just remove the outer layers because these can be a little bit woody. We prefer to use them all. You can throw them away.
Some people do find it bitter, and then we are just going to trim this up into bite size pieces, probablyably the same size as the florets. If you did not want to use these in this recipe, you can also save them, freeze them and use them in soups in the future. With the bottom of the broccoli stem, though we do recommend throwing this away as it is really bitter and quite hard, but other than that, this is all that needs to be done.
Step Three
Next is 200 and 50 grams of washed green beans. All we need to do with these is remove the top and tail of them. They can not be a bit hard. Obviously it contains the stem too. It is up to you how you want to do this and you can leave them whole or chop them in half. Now with the veg out the way we are going to need two lemons for our sauce. These can both just be sliced in half and jud on a citrus juicier or by hand. Just make sure no seeds decide to hop in because it is definitely not nice. Having seeds in your sauce.
Step Four
Swap out your board to a board that you dedicate to chicken. Slap down one kilo of boneless and skinless chicken. Thigh, slice this into nice strips, then dice into bite-size pieces. Obviously this right here is not one kilo of chicken, but this right here is.
Step Five
Now to make our sauce add 100 and 25 militers of chicken stock to a small mixing bowl along with three cloves of garlic that can be run along a microplane to create a paste. And you can also put this along a fine box greater next, we are going to add in the juice of both of low’s lemons, 80 MIT of honey which Immwe put in the microwave for about 20 seconds just to loosen it up, 2.5 gms of onion powder for a strong concentrated flavor, 30 m of soy sauce for a salty Unami flavor, ten m of sesame oil for a strong nutty flavor, and 12 grams of corn flo which will help thicken this up once it reaches the heat. Let’s then get in there of a whisk and mix this up just until everything is combined and that cornlower is broken down. Test it for seasoning and adjust if necessary with sea salt flakes and cracked black pepper. Get back in there again with the whisk and mix this to combine.
Check out our latest article about: Beginners guide to paleo diet
Step Six
As for cooking, place a large sauce pan over high heat. Add in 300 and 50 grams of washed basmati rice 700 mit of cold water which is a two to one ratio and sea salt flakes to taste. Then just give this a mix around to prevent any clumps from forming and bring it to a boil. Once boiling place on a lid and lower the heat to Low and Cook for 14 minutes.
Step Seven
In the meantime place a large pan over medium high heat. Add in 30 MIT of olive oil and then dump in the broccoli as well as the stems. A pinch of sea salt flakes to taste and saute this for three to four minutes just until the broccoli starts to gain a nice little golden brown color. You also do not have to use broccoli. If you are not a fan, you can use a whole wide range of all of your favorite different vegetables. After four minutes and now broccoli softened up and starting to gain nice color.
Step Eight
Let’s add in the green beans and continue sauteing for about three minutes, just mixing it through regularly. We can also add in some cracked black pepper at this stage. Follow that up with 80 MIT of water. This is going to allow it to steam. We can then place on a lid and allow it to cook for two minutes before removing the lid. Mix it around and what you should have is perfectly cooked. Vegetables which are soft but still do have a nice bite to them.
Remove this on the stovetop and transfer the veg into a bowl or plate or whatever you have and we are going to reuse the pan to save dishes and this right here is the macros for five individual servings.
Step Nine
After 14 minutes we can go back to the rice, turn it off the heat and leave the lid on for a final four minutes before removing it and fluff it up with a fork or spatula, leaving us with this perfect soft fluffy rice and these are all of the macros for five individual 200 and ten gm servings. Now the best parts the honey chicken so place the same pan back over a high heat. Add in 20 m of olive oil and slide in your thighs. pour it over the till the bottom of the fripan. This is going to ensure that they get really nice color all over and cook evenly. Season to taste with sea salt flakes then mix and cook regularly for ten minutes which will cook the chicken all the way through and gain really nice color and flavor. After ten minutes give it another mix through to ensure nothing is stuck and that chicken is cooked through and has nice color. Add in all of the sauce mixture and then again mix this for one and a half to two minutes and during this process it will come to a boil and the cornowre will react to the heat and thicken the sauce coating everything really well.
Step Ten
Last but not least, this is completely optional but we will be adding in five grams of both white and black sesame seeds for a nice pop of color. Also checking it for seasoning with sea salt flakes and cracked black pepper then mix this through just about 20 seconds just until that sauce is completely thick and preferably do not set your tea to on fire like we did here. Also, this is all of the nutrition values for 200 grams or five servings of the Lemon Chicken with serving. If we look back throughout the video on those nutrition cards, we have put it down as 200 and ten grams of rice, 100 and 30 of the mix and 200 gm of the Honey Chicken, but you might want to lower those amounts and get six or seven portions out of this. We are also going to sprinkle over some black sesame seeds on the rice to give it a nice pop of color. But with all of that done, we have just created these absolutely incredible cemon chickens that are perfect for pretty much any occasion.
Important Note
As for storage we can place on the lid and get these in the fridge as soon as possible where they will last four days and four months in the freezer. But if you are using the Mill Pro containers that we have, you can use the vacuum sill pump to make these last five days in the fridge. This is the complete dish nutrition values for all of those weights that we recommend just before, but with all of that done we can then dig in. It is also important to make protien rich diet for breakfast too, the plan for it are recommended here in breakfast ideas for fitness and energy.
Made this a couple of times. The source was not as good in those previous times, but this is absolutely perfect. The consistency is just right and coats the chicken really well, and obviously the flavor is incredible too. The vegetables obviously just vegetables you can swap and change, and we will leave a few things about that in the description. And the rice is super soft and fluffy.
Overall, this combination works absolutely perfectly and we really hope you enjoyed this article, If you did, share this article with your fellows and fitness freaks. Also, give your thoughts and opinions in comment section and do read our recent articles regarding benefits of cycling and how hydration is important for maintaining a healthy body. Remember, A healthy body keeps a healthy mind.