Every gym gower wants big shoulders and the big exercises like presses and raises are going to help you get them, but if you are only doing presses and raises, you could be missing out on potential gains. Shoulders work across many different angles, which is why our top trainers recommend mixing it up with different exercises from one workout to the next, taking familiar exercises, and changing the angle and finding new ways to work each of the three key shoulder muscles. Here are our top ten recommended exercises you can use for a more effective shoulder workout.
Partial Side Lateral Raise
On a regular raise, you would aim to get the weight up level with the shoulders. Maximum resistance is at the top, so to get there you have to use lighter weights, but here is a variation that will let you go with a heavier weight.

These partial side lateral raises just work the bottom half of the movement, allowing you to use a heavier weight ideal at the start of your workout, firing up the whole shoulder, especially those middle delts capping the shoulder for that 3D look muscles.
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Incline Front Raise
Next traditional front raises would be done standing, but by using an incline bench you can target the front delts with a better range of motion than the standing version. Isolating the muscle and the bench helps stop you swinging. This will helps in building up your chest muscles and shoulders.
Incoine Y Raise
You can use the incline bench to target rear delts. This is an incline Y raise. Laying face front on an incline bench using the arms to create a Y shape with the body directly targeting the back of the shoulder. Not so heavy with the weight taking care not to swing aiming for a good squeeze at the top of the movement cable side.
Cable Cross Body Raise
Lateral rays is a popular exercise to hit middle delt, but by changing the movement you can also target the rear doubt coming down in front of the body, then up and behind. Concentrating on that full range of movement cables have the added advantage of giving constant resistance across each rep.
Reverse Machine Fly
Taking the usual machine and facing in. Using the handles for resistance on the rear delts. Elbows slightly bent, again with constant resistance from the machine. Keep doing it for atleast 1 minute, take a break for 15 seconds and start it again. Complete another round for 1 minute again. This exercise will strengthen your back muscles.
Bent over Dumbbell Raise
Another exercise for rear delts is bent over dumbbell raise, in order to proceed, bent over dumbbell rays standing knees slightly bent, taking the dumbbells out and to the sides. Continue everyday for 2 minutes. This exercise will helps in building up your shoulder muscles perfectly. If you want to check how to create a Home work out routine the click on this article. Moving on, Rear delts are a lagging body part for many trainers because front delts get plenty of work as the supporting muscle on chest day, which is why today’s list includes a good number of rear delt exercises to help you balance your shoulders for a full round look that bent overver dumbbell raise.
Incline Bench Rear Delt Row
We have just shown you can also be done on the bench, but not a lot of trainers use the rowing option on this exercise using a slight adjustment to the movement we know. Rows are typically used for lasts and middle back, but here the angle lets you target rear delts with a prorated grip. Dumbbells incline elbows out, not tucked in, squeezing from the delts, not the shoulder blades. Continue this exercise for atleast 2 minutes per day. This exercise will helps you in strenghten the back and shoulder both at the same time.
Face Pulls
Moving to the cable. Now these are face polls pulley at the bottom, body upright, bringing the rope up past the forehead.
You can use a bit of external rotation here, as long as most of the work is coming from the rear delts. This exercise helps the posture to remain in shape and heads straight. This exercise will helps in building up your ap pose, chest and shoulder at the same time.
Arnold Press
Another exercise that works the shoulder from multiple angles. It is a famous exercise because it was championed by Arnold Schwarzenegger himself, but it is not used as often as you would think. Dumbbells start together in front of the chest. As you come up. You also twist out and into a pressing movement, keeping control on the way down as well as on the way up, allowing you to hit all three key shoulder muscles in one movement. Continue this exercise for atleast 1 minute in row to ubove mentioned exercises which will increases the muscles intact and the area around the press parts. This will helps in building up the muscles around your ahoulder as well.
Six Ways Light Dumbbells
Finally a great finisher working all parts of the shoulder with six ways light dumbbells going out to the sides, down side, front, up front side and down a great way to burn out your shoulders at the end of your workout. This is the exercise that would help increases the stamina of overall muscles around the shoulder. If you want to check which diet plan you should follow in breakfast to maintain your body then you can also check on our latest article about healthy breakfast ideas for fitness and energy. Hence consider continue doing it for atleast 1 minute straight for everyday. This is the simple exercise and a common one and will easily helps in buildup the shoulder as well.
So which is your favorite shoulder exercise? Let us know. In the comments below, there’s many more shoulder exercises on Fitnesspova database and check out the related links for expert advice on how to fix the most common mistakes in shoulder training and also check out the other articles related to fitness and health that may contribute to your healthy lifestyle.
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