10 Morning Yoga Poses to Boost Energy and Flexibility in 2025


Belly fat is a very common problem. There are varieties of factors for belly fat such as hormones, genetics, physical activities, and food habits that determines the shape of your belly. A flat belly is generally associated with good health. It also reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Yes, it is challenging to reduce the belly size if your weight is not controlled. If a belly is not naturally flat, then it is a big challenge to reduce the waist size. Here I’m going to explain some simple yoga poses in a sequence to reduce abdominal fat, weight loss and to improve the muscle tone of your belly. These poses will make your muscles stronger and help in overall weight reduction.

So here are the names of yoga poses and its brief explanation for how to do it in a simple way that will help you in weight loss. These poses are also be suggested for weight loss for beginners as well.

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Cobra pose

Lie on the floor with faced downs, place both palms on the floor sideward to the chest, gently raise the body up, resting the palm on the floor like a cobra rising up. Stay in that position for a while and resume predisposition with facedown. Lie on the floor with face down. Place both palms on the floors sideward to the chest. Gently raise the body up, resting the palm on the floor like a cobra rising up.


Stay in that position for a while and resume predisposition with face down. This will helps release stress and fatigue. It is therapeutic for asthma. Now, stand up with legs wide apart on the sides. Placing the hand on your hips. Slowly bend forward till your head touches the floor, rest the hands on the floor, sideways to the head. Stay a while in that position and resume back slowly. Repeat this three times.

Headstand pose

Sit in the kneeling down and sitting on the inner side of your leg, your elbows in the front leaning forward. Now rest your head between your hands on the floor. Slowly raise your abdomen to form a mountain pose resting on your toes alone.

Now slowly lift your right leg bending at your knee and slowly lift your left leg also the same way, now completely balancing with your head. Lift both legs one by one, straight up in the air. Stay a while and very gently bring the legs down one by one to rest back in first position. Benefits. Stimulates pituitary glands and pineal glands. Strengthens lungs and tones. Therapeutic for insomnia and mild depression.

Angle Pose 1

In this pose, stand straight, keep your feet 20 to 24 inch apart. Inhale as you raise your left hand, keeping it close to your ear while looking straight ahead. Slowly, slide your head down, bending your upper body sideways while keeping your leg rooted on the ground.

Focus on stretching your spine and oblique sideways, and maintain the position and breath for a few seconds, exhale and return back to the position. This pose stretches the oblique muscles and so helps in reducing the waist line.

Angle pose 2

In this pose, Stand straight, both your feet apart practically 2.5 feet apart and both your hands by your side as raise both hands from the front with palm facing upward till the shoulder level. Spread your hands to both the side and inhale fully and turn your head to right. Fix the gaze on the tip of the finger of your right palm and follow the palm as it moves. Exhaling, Twist your upper body from the waist towards the left and bend down so that your right hand such is the left toe. Swing your left hand upwards towards the ceiling.

Twist your head and neck to look at the left hand. Hold this position for a few seconds. Now look down and fix your gaze on the right path. Inhaling, bring your body up straight, continuing to look at the right path till you are standing straight. The hands are spread apart and exhaustively. Now turn your head to the left and practice all the steps on the opposite side. After this release your hands down and come back in the normal position. This pose reduces the abdominal fat by giving intra-abdominal compression.

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Navigation Pose  

Stand your feet 20 to 24 inch apart. Upper body, align straight and raise your hand to shoulder level with palm facing the ground and inhale normally. Exhaling swing your hands to the right side by twisting your upper body, bending your left arm at the elbow.

Swing your right hand as far as possible without causing any strain. Move neck, shoulder and right hand as one unit without any jerks. Inhale and return back to position. Then repeat the same procedure with the left hand. This twist, tones the waistline and fight abdominal fat.

Camel Pose

Come into a kneeling position and keep your knees and toes together as possible. Gradually lean backward and take your arms behind. Place your palm on the ground with your fingers pointing backwards and the thumbs towards the top. Keep your arms straight while inhaling slowly lift your pelvis, waist and body both outwards and upwards.

Gently allow your neck and head to fall back. Remain in this position for six seconds, holding your breath exhaling. Relax your upper body and slowly straighten your head and neck. Release your palm and resume the final position. This pose stretches and opens the front of the body and also helps in weight loss.

Locust Pose

So here you have to lie down on your belly in the beginning who have protruding belly will find it difficult to lie down in this position. Exhaling. Raise the right leg straight as high as possible without lifting the hips. Hold this pose while suspending the breath inhaling gently.

Bring the raised foot down. Follow the above steps with the left leg. Now perform the pose with both the legs rising simultaneously while exhaling to complete the round. This pose increases the abdominal pressure and strengthens the abdominal body.

Wind-Releasing Pose

Here you turn over your back, Lie with your feet together and hands at the side exhaling, raise your right leg. Fold it at the knee joint and grab your knee with both the hands. Pull the knee up towards your chest and see it firmly pressed and maintain this posture for few seconds.

Release your hand inhaling and straighten your leg and bring it to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg and now do the same steps with both legs together here flabby abdomen will get toned.

Remember to stay hydrated during yoga and meditation. Check out our latest article on How to stay hydrated and Importance of hydration In Workout

Belows Breath Pose

Sit straight from the waist upwards. Eyes can be kept closed taking a deep breath, breath out forcefully to the nose without any strain, immediately breathe in with the same force, inhale and exhale deeply and thoroughly using the diaphragm muscles that too with vigour a strong nasal sound will accompany with such breathing.

The process should be rhythmic and in control maintaining the speed as per capacity. Do ten cycles to complete one round of this pose. Three rounds with a pause in between these rounds. This pose is helpful in promoting metabolism and so weight loss.

Corpse Pose

Keeping your hands little away from the body with palm facing upward, close your eyes and breathe naturally and slowly without moving any part of your body. Consciously pay attention to the 16 vital zones then ankle then knee eyes along with hands and arms, groin, pelvis navel, abdomen, chest, neck, Tip of the nose, eyes, space between the eyebrows, forehead and top of the head. Relax in this position for some time.

Breath normally and gently and then open your eyes. Gently turn to your right side for a few minutes and then slowly come into a sitting position with help of your hand. This pose will helps you in a weight loss and reduces belly fat. There are also great excercise too to consider for reducing weight loss and muscle gain, for which check out our latest article on The Ultimate guide for building Muscle.


This deeply restorative and meditative pose provides conscious relaxation of body and mind. I believe that yoga makes one understand that being healthy should be our goal. Losing weight or losing belly fat is just the side effect. Being healthy also required paying close attention to your diet, sufficient sleep, physical activity and other healthy lifestyles. So learn to love and accept yourself as you are and practice yoga daily for your fit body and fit mind.


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