How to Create a Home Workout Routine in 2025


This article is going to be the beginner body weight workout routine for general strengthening. It is going to be a good starting point if you are just getting into resistance training activities. This routine is quick and simple enough for you to do once a day to build a foundation, after which you can start to then incorporate more advanced moves and longer routines. Our goal is to help every one of you live in active and healthy lifestyle, so if that is something you are interested in, please consider sharing this article among with your loved ones. So we are going to be doing seven exercises total each for 30 seconds. The goal is to do as many repetitions as you can in those 30 seconds. If you are new to resistance training that might be between five to ten repetitions for each exercise. If you are more intermediate or more advanced, you can do a lot more than that.

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Body Weight Squats

So the first exercise we are going to work on our body weight squats and body weight squats. Just go down and sit down into that squat and then get right back up. This is excellent for working out the quads and the gluteus, as well as just all your lower legs muscles.

Now if you can not do a body weight squat, what you can first do is sit down and stand up, so just find a chair. Sit down and stand up. Try not to use your hands. But if initially you do need to use your hands to help you up. It is perfectly alright if you are still working on strengthening those muscles. But we really want to be able to progress you into not using your hands and then into the body weight squats.

Calf Raises

The next exercise we are going to work on, our calf raises. This is really important in strengthening our quad, so you can hang onto a chair or hang onto the wall and then just get up on your trippy toes and then slowly lower back down to the ground, so up onto your trippy toes and then slower back down onto the ground.


If you do need to hang onto something that is totally okay. Otherwise you can go hands free and what this is really going to do is going to work on your balance. This is really important in helping strengthening our lower legs. Now again, if you do need to hang onto something that’s totally okay, try to do as many as you can in 30 seconds. You can also check our latest article on top excercises for building stronger legs here.

Hamstring Curls

The next exercise we are going to work on are hamstring curls, and so for this we are going hold onto a chair and what you are going to do is you are going to curl the back of your leg up and you are going to feel that contraction in your posterior side. I am going to bring it back down and then curl it up. You can even put your hand here to try to feel that contraction in the back of your thigh. Now you do not need to go too fast on this.

What you really want to do is you want to hold it, hold that contraction so you can really feel it. Squeeze for a second or two and then slowly bring it back down. And that way you are going to really be getting these maximum effect out of these hamstring curls. So we are going to do 30 seconds on this side and then we are going to switch over to our other side so go ahead and switch over now so hang on with your other hand. And then start with the hamstring curls. Remember, you are trying to feel that contraction in the back of your thigh. Your hamstrings are incredibly important in contributing to pelvic stability, and so when we are working on squats and quad extensions, you really get good strengthening of your legs. But we actually ignore our hamstring. So these are very important in helping develop that pelvic stability and contributing to hamstring strength.

Seated Straight Leg Raises

The next thing we are going work on are seated straight leg raises. So for this just get a chair, and what you want to do is we are going to work on one leg at a time. You are going to fully extend, extend your knee and straighten out your leg, and then we are just going to do these simple pulses in our leg, and what we are really targeting here is not only our leg strength. But we are hitting our high flexes and so again we are really targeting what we call the Lower Extremity Kinetic Chain, which starts all the way in your core, goes all the way down to your strengthening.

Now if you do need a break and come back down and then get back into it, that is good as well. We are going to do 30 seconds. We are going to switch to the other side, so remember straighten out your leg, bring it up and then back down bring it up, back down. The higher you hold it and you pulse it over here. You are going to get a much stronger workout over here, but that can be pretty tiring. If you do need to come back all the way down, rest your leg for a little bit before you bring it back up. Remember, the goal is to just do as many as you can within this 30 period to try to start building a foundation of muscle strengthening.


The next thing we are going to work on are pushups, and we are just going to do pushups for 30 seconds, you can do it the more advanced way, which is just doing all of these presses. Go all the way down, keep your elbows in and then push up and just try as many as you can in 30 seconds. Otherwise, if you are a little bit more beginner, you can get on your knees and then just go all the way down.

Now if going all the way down is too painful or you do not have the strength to do that, you can even just go down just a little bit before you push back up but try to get in as many as you can during this thirty- second period.

Gluten Bridges

The next thing we are going work on are gluten bridges. And now this is really important in stabilizing our core and our trunk and so what you want to do is lie down. Hands flat on the mat and then what you are doing is you are just lifting your hip up where you are really going to feel this contraction is you are going to feel it in the core and you are going to feel it in the gluteus and then just bring it back down. Bring it up contract. Hold it for about one or two seconds. Bring it back down. Hold it up. Contract for one or two seconds. Bring it back down again. This is really important in targeting our trunk, our core, super important. Help stabilizing our pelvis which is very important in when we are talking about muscle strengthening. Remember to take a rest after and during the workout, you can check out for our latest article on importance of rest and recovery after workout here.

Plank Exercise

The last exercise we are going to work on is the plank and we are going to do this for 30 seconds now again, there is a few ways of doing this right, so there’s this way, just hold this for a total of 30 seconds. You are on your hands. Make sure that your pelvis and your butt is not up in the air like this. You really want it leveled off.

You can also get down onto your elbows and you can hold this for a total of 30 seconds. If this is a little bit too hard and you do need a rest, you can put your knees down. You can even hold this or hold this and you are still contracting your core to get that plank to get that trunk stabilization. Or if you can work yourself up to this and just hold this position for a total of 30 seconds.


Remember that muscle strengthening has incredible benefits to the body and improves our overall health. Do this routine once a day to build a foundation, then progress to more advanced exercises and longer routines. You can even do this routine twice or three times back to back for better workout.


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