This article is about beginners guide to paleo diet and workout in 2025 and my goal for this article is to simplify the paleo phenomenon for you in few steps. So. Research shows the paleontologists diet is one of the most effective lifestyles for fat loss and overall health, and it can prevent diseases that are overwhelming the westernized population. In order to explain further, let me introduce the word paleo diet.
Well, the word diet just has so many short term misconceptions tied to it, so I prefer to call paleo diet a lifetime way of eating. People who follow a paleontologist way of eating are simply trying to eat as similar as possible to our genetic heritage as hunter gatherers. The beauty of paleontologists and I am really serious about this is that it is not just better for your body. It does to make you look better and feel better. There is some great side effects, but it is also better for human body. And the more important thing is it is easy. It is really easy to stick to. So the following motto describes the paleo diet. , I am going to give you a very quick three step guide to getting started on paleontologist diet that not only help you get started but also help you stick to it.
Get Rid of Junk Food
So to start and to stick with step number one, get rid of the junk. The junk in your house and we are talking about anything that comes in a box, anything that comes in a bag. Guys, you know what junk is. It may include hamburgers, donuts, shawarma, finger fries. Remember that, if it does not look like a meat, it does not look like a seafood or vegetable fruit, it is a junk, it is not food. And let me ask is do you know what happens when you have junk in your house.

You simply eat it if it is easily available around you. if you have got it in your pantry, if you have got it in your closet or in your refrigerator. But in order to stay healthy and follow the paleo diet, you will have to throw it away. If you against throwing it away because you do not want to lose the money, invite some of your friends over, have a binge weekend. Overall, just get rid of it. Because if you are going to start paleo diet and you are going to make it work for you, got to have the junk out of your house. So after you get rid of the junk, which is step number one. Step number two is to go out and buy some.
Buy Healthy Foods
In order to stay healthy and buy substitute for junk, you need to get your car, and walk to your near grocery store and find some actual good food.
- Meat
- Seafood
- Vegetables
- Fruits
You pretty much know what good food is healthy, even telling you does not come in a box, does not come in a bag and that you put your meat in a bag, but that is what you got to do. You have to go on, buy some food because if you do not have good food in your house. But then you have got to plan your meals. That is all right. You actually got to sit down, write it down, plan out what you’re going to eat because this is what happens people start a paleontologist diet, they eat some food for a couple of days and they are starting to feel better. And then you know what happens on the third day.
They do not know what to eat, maybe they do not have any more food in their house. Maybe you are out with your work buddies or your friends at a restaurant, and you do not know what you are going to eat. And when you don’t know what you are going to eat, you go back to the junk. That is a recurring theme as you can see here going back to the junk, so plan out your meals, literally sit out, plan them out for a week, write them down for a week, write them down each night before for the next meal so that you are going to eat that day. However, you can do it, plan out what you’re going to eat.
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Important Tips of Foods to buy
So the foods that should be making up all or the majority of your meals include
- Beef
- Poultry
- Fish
- Eggs
- Nut seeds
- Fibrous vegetables
In other words, one ingredient foods by no surprise. This means the candy bars, the chips, the crackers, the doughnuts, they are out, grains and dairy should also be out. Why we will just think of it this way, the average caveman was tall, lean and athletic. And compare that to today’s average man or person.
Getting Rid of Overweight
So the overweight is the outer shape on the verge of numerous diseases. The change in nutrition has had a huge impact on this. We have moved from eating plants and animals to eating products filled with refined grains and sugar, and remember, our genes are 99 percent the same as our caveman ancestors. Yet grains were never a part of their diet, and since the agricultural revolution about 10 thousand years ago, our bodies had never adjusted the influx of grains that we throw at it. Every single day in grains they contain gluten. They contain lectins that are shown to cause unhealthy hormonal fat, storing responses and digestive TRA issues in our body. And unlike the conventional wisdom you always hear, the body does not require a large amount of carbohydrates for energy. In fact, when there is an absence of carbs in your system, your body will burn stored fat as its primary energy source so you can still eat carbohydrates. But they should mainly come from fibrous vegetables like fruit and sweet potatoes. So typically after 14 days of following the paleo diet, you will stop having sugar cravings and the energy crashes associated with it.
Stop using Dairy Products
The major cause of unhealthy diet is Dairy. In contrast, we know that mother’s breast milk is designed to make young babies grow and to help build their immune systems were then weaned off of it. But adults should then not be put on the milk of another species. That is just a hard one for some reason for people to comprehend so what if you’re currently happy with, how you look, how you feel, and you enjoy eating grains and dairy? Well, if you do keep it and if you’re one of the countless people who are struggling every day with low energy, weight loss and disease.
I highly recommend you try the Paleontologists diet for 30 days. Those days will be tough. You will feel low energy, but that is just your body adapting from burning carbs and sugar for energy versus burning stored fat for energy. And that is what you want. When you make it past these 30 days you will be committed for life and remember you always have that cheat meal once a week to get your carb fixed if you want it.
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If you’re off for trying the paleontologist diet which I highly recommend you do, I also highly recommend you invest in a cookbook that provides meal ideas. This cookbook includes over 200 quick, healthy, easy, affordable and delicious meals that are paleontologists approved for meals and snacks. Hence the diet we recommend in this article is exactly what you need to start with your paleo diet. Always remember that healthy body makes healthy minds. You always have the will power inside of you every time, you just need to explore and deep dive in to it in order to explore the potential to remain healthy. There are some other foods as well but we are going to cover it in other article. Stay in touch with us, keep following our suggestions and read more article to stay healthy and fit.
As always, let me know below in the comments, what you think is the most important of these three steps. Do you think it’s more important to buy a bunch of good food and have it around? Do you think it’s more important to play your meals? Let me know in the comments below, share this. If you think you have other friends who would like this article and right here, there is a click. We will let you know every other article that we come out that will help you live a better and healthier pale your life.